Sunday, March 7, 2010

Posts quickly indexed in the Search Engine

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SEARCH ENGINE is important!! Said my friend named Mas Pray SEO is very important and I will now make a post "5 Ways for Faster Post received diSearch Engine" means that search engines post quickly accepted meaning. Finally I found a way that accidental SEO tips and tricks that I got from a variety of information and I conclude.

Since I am kind, not arrogant and diligent mensharing everything including things that smell copy-paste, so this time I will mensharing to you about 5 Ways to make Quick Post received in the Search Engine. Easy - I just hope 5 Ways for Faster Post received diSearch Engine can assist you in making a successful posts on search engines, These Tips and trick:

      1. In article title, put target keywords that you shoot. Better yet, if in the beginning. Example, suppose a free blog column mas targeting the keyword "Create a free blog", for example as in the following titles: How To Quickly create a free blog at blogspot.

     2. Create an interesting title that provoke the reader to click on the link your article. Title of the article is interesting is opening doors for you to get loyal visitors.

     3. The contents of the article should be informative and useful to readers. Always intended that there is minimal additional knowledge or useful information that readers obtained after reading your article, you need to specify the length of the article in accordance with the character and style of your blog. In general, the standard length of a maximum 500 word article.

     4. Place your keywords in anchor text and vary the order to avoid allegations of spam keywords in the eyes of search engines.

     5. Do not forget to check the syntax. One letter or word though it seems trivial but it has huge influence in the comfort of reading. Therefore before you are sure to post the article, carefully fine words and sentences. Are there any words or phrases awkwardly.


To help check the syntax quickly, select the language version of the browser you use. Like the Mozilla browser which has a wide selection of languages​​, you can use the appropriate language article that you wear. If you write articles in English, using English version. If you often write Indonesian you can use the Indonesian language version.

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Posting by : Arifientzz



  2. lho ? tunggu dulu mas ipin.,lha kok bahasa inggris kabeh ?



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