Link Exchange

Link exchange

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By placing a link blog or someone else's site that you want and people will also put a link on your site,,will make you and my blog more widespread. As an example link Iphientzz this blog you can plug the frame on the left / right sidebar or below blog. In my blog, your blog link I plug it right beside the title blog is "Blog Friends". There are several ways to put a link blog as follows:

For users new bloggers

Method: 1

1.Log on Blogger.
2.Klik Layout in Dashboard.
3.Klik Add a Gadget, select the Link List, will appear Configure Link List
4.Write title on the Title List, for instance Blog friends box Number of Links To Show in List, enter the number of links to ditampilkan.Sebaiknya left blank.
6.In box, let contain Do not Sort.
7.In New Site URL box, enter the address of the link blogs.
8.In New Site Name box, enter the name of the link blogs entered at step 7.
9.Next Add Link and Save.

If you want to add other blogs link, just click Edit on the Gadget you are already dibuat. Next follow steps 6 through 9.

Method: 2 (Use auto scroll)

1.Login on Blogger
2.Klik Layout in Dashboard.
3.Klik Add a Gadget, and HTML / Javascript.
4.Insert code below.

<MARQUEE align="left" direction="up" height="50" scrollamount= "2"
onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="25%">
<li> <a href="" target="new"> test</a></li>

5.Change posts with the link address people's blogs and writing test with the name of the blog, then Save.

If you want to add other blogs link, just click Edit on the Gadget you are already dibuat.Copy and paste the code as below:

<li> <a href="" target="new">

And do the replacement address of the link blogs and blog name as in step 5, then Save.

How to: 3 (Use manual scroll)

1.Login on Blogger.
2.Klik Layout in Dashboard.
3.Klik Add a Gadget, and HTML / Javascript.
4.Insert code below.


<td valign="top" class="isi"><div align="left">

<h1 class="blog"></h1>

<div style="padding: 1px; overflow:auto; height: 85px;width: 220px;">


<li> <a href="" target="new"> Test</a></li> </ul>



5.Change posts with the link address people's blogs and writingtest with the name of the blog, then Save

If you want to add other blogs link, just click Edit on the Gadget you are alreadydibuat.Copy and paste the code as below:

<li> <a href="" target="new">

And do the replacement address of the link blogs and blog name as in step 5, then Save.

If this means you've done, immediately do a link exchange to fellow blog page rank and traffic to your blog immediately .And if anyone wants to exchange link with this blog, please give comments here.
Hopefully helpful,

Information From : Arifientzz