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"How do I change the login name or password on my Google Account?".
Mentioned that there is no facility to change the password, but there is no facility to change the email account used to log into google. Therefore, to change the email that we use to log into your blogger account, we need to do a little trick.
This trick terinsiparasi of official answer from: How do I move a blog the between accounts?
Broadly speaking, how to change the email used to log on blogger or blogspot account is to invite other bloggers (eg AkunBaru) to become a member of the team and gave it admin privileges, then from AkunBaru, we delete the old blogger account (AkunLama) so that henceforth, the email address used to log in (go) into account we bloggers are the new email address (AkunBaru).
How? There is already a picture? Or more confused? If still confused, read lanjutin yaa ..
Suppose you want to change the email to login to your blog from AkunLama be AkunBaru.
The steps are as follows: • Create a new gmail email address or use an existing email address that will be used to login (eg, AkunBaru) • Go into your old blogger account (AkunLama). • Click Settings> Permits • Click the ADD AUTHOR • Invite AkunBaru to become to become a writer.
The next step performed on AkunBaru: • Go to your email account AkunBaru. To not bother to logout and login again, use 2 different browsers to open a second account page. For example Internet Explorer to open AkunLama and Firefox or Opera or Safari to open AkunBaru.
• Open the email containing the invitation and confirm your willingness to be a writer on the blog's AkunLama.
• Follow the next steps. Next, go back to AkunLama ..
• Refreshlah page Settings> Permission and you will find AkunBaru has become one of the authors of your blog.
• Provide admin previleges by clicking on AkunBaru give admin privileges.
Go into your blogger account and the new AkunBaru. • Select Settings> Permission. • There you will find two of the authors, namely AkunLama and AkunBaru. • Eliminate AkunLama, so the only writer of the blog is AkunBaru. • In the future, if you want to go or log in to the blog, you must use an email AkunBaru. Mission Completed .. Indeed a bit complicated, but hopefully this can be a little trick bloggers to answer our question about the possibility of changing the address used to log into our blog. May be useful.
Halo mas Ipin...hehehe....Wah...Template blogmu persis dengan blog milik Fotocopy Taqiyyuddin. Tapi kayake, total pageviewsnya lebih banyak taqiyyuddin deh..hehehe...padahal baru jadi...
ReplyDeleteKalau mau lomba, musthi rajin surfing deh kayak'e.....Keep Trying yow...
P templaTE saama masse ?? wah ndak tahu aku...ini yang ganti template bukan aku tapi guruku,,,
ReplyDeleteokey okley..ntar rajin surfing...hhahah... aku kok nggak di follow ? aku kok nggak di follow ?